Paradise Society News for April 1924

April 2, 1924

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Banks of Aylesford spend the week-end here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Banks.

Mr. Gordon Steeves recently visited in Paradise while passing through on a business trip. Mr. Steeves expressed hopes to return to Paradise accompanied by his mother sometime next summer; of going over the old parsonage where he was born and of getting acquainted with the new parsonage which has been built since the days when his father was the minister here.

Mr. Fredk. Balcom’s Bible School class met in happy fellowship lately at the home of the teacher, the class prizes for the best attendance during the year were received. Albert Levy getting the first prize and the second being divided between John Longley and Gordon Leonard. A very delightful as well as profitable evening was spent.

Mrs. Barteaux of Clarence, accompanied by her sons Arthur and Reginald spent Sunday in Paradise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams.

Miss Leon Gaul has recently been in Yarmouth where she received medical treatment.

Mr. W. B. Snow, Colporteur for the Canadian Bible Society in Nova Scotia is paying Paradise a visit.

Mr. Herman Spinney at present is located with the Freeport Baptist church where he will remain until a permanent pastor is secured.

A jubilee sermon commemorating fifty years of Canadian Baptist work in India was preached here Sunday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. W. Steadman Smith. The text was found in Matt. 28: “All power is given unto me.” Mr. Smith traced the development in the power of navigation, education, commerce, civilization, science, music, and art, sanitation, also the power to make great heroes, showing all these to be the outcome of the open Bible and Christian education. The sermon was much appreciated.

The Brotherhood Bible class had banner attendance on Sunday afternoon with twenty men present. The women’s class was also largely attended.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.1. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

April 9, 1924

No society column for Paradise in this issue.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.2. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

April 16, 1924

The Women’s Institute met with Mrs. J. W. Sproule Thursday 10th, the topic being, “Gardening.”. The following programme was given, roll call – “The Use of the Flour Bag.”

Piano Duet – Misses Boss and Durling

Talk by Mrs. F.W. Bishop, who told of flowers and other natural beauties of California.

“The Busy Folks Garden” – Mrs. H.D. Starratt

Quotations – “The Message of the Flowers.”

Remarks – On Gardening – Mrs. H. P. Layte.

Reading – “The Roses” – Miss J.M. Boss

The usual lunch was served after the meeting was adjourned.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.3. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

April 23, 1924

Societies Active at Paradise

W.M.S. Have Fine Entertainment – Many Students Were Home for Easter – Other News and Items

Monday evening, April 7th, in the Paradise church vestry Rev. W.H. Rackham presented the story with pictures, of Christie’s Old Organ. The pictures and music provided an excellent entertainment.

A pleasant afternoon was spent recently in the church vestry, when a number of ladies met and completed the quilting of two quilts, which are now for sale and can be purchased through Mrs. J.S. Longley, president of the Church Aid Society.

The April meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society met with Mrs. Ralph Williams. Following the business meeting an inspiring Easter program was provided by Mrs. J. Hadden Balcom. The quarterly entertainment was also a pleasing feature of the afternoon.

Mr. Nathan Banks recently went to Halifax where he received medical attention.

Dr. Vernon Morse and Mr. E.G. Morse returned from Boston April 12th, where Dr. Morse underwent a serious operation. Dr. Morse’s condition is still very critical. Respected and loved by all these days of his suffering are peculiarly hard ones for friends and family.

Among the Acadia students home for the Easter holidays are Mr. Max Munroe, Mr. Gordon Starratt, Mr. Ewart Longley, Mr. Charles Longley, Miss Alice Longley and Miss Evelyn Longley.

Miss Hazel Grant and Mr. Chester Ferguson of Acadia are vacation guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Longley.

Miss Hazel Turner of Wolfville, is spending the Easter holiday with Miss Evelyn Longley.

Miss Eleanor Longley of Halifax is spending Easter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Longley.

Mr. Murray Elliott who has been teaching at Plympton spent the vacation with his mother and sister, Mrs. Ritchie Elliott and Miss Joyce Elliott.

Miss Irma Campbell visited friends in Paradise during the vacation.

Mrs. Rupert Chesley is in Clarence visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Milledge Marshall.

Mrs. Aubrey Freeman visited in Round Hill, April 11th and 12th.

Rev. and Mrs. W.H. Robinson after spending a couple of months in Digby returned to their home here April 10th.

The Sunday evening B.Y.P.U. service was of a special character and well attended. Miss Lillian Leonard was leader of the service. The program included Easter readings and choruses and a solo by Mrs. Ritchie Elliott.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.4. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

April 30, 1924

Entertainment at Paradise

Programme by “Willing Workers” Under Direction Mrs. H.W. Longley – Personal and Social Items

A very fine Easter entertainment and supper was given in the church vestry Monday evening, April 21st. Mrs. H.W. Longley was in charge and was assisted by the “Willing Workers” and by members of the church aid society. The programme consisted of exercises, choruses, and readings, provided by members from the Sunday school. Music was furnished by the choir, also a special feature of the programme was a guitar duet by Mrs. Ritchie Elliott and Miss Evelyn Longley. Candy and aprons sold, helped to enlarge the returns of the evening to the satisfactory sum of about $30.00 which will be used for church purposes.

Those from Paradise who attended the Jubilee Missionary meetings at Middleton were Mrs. Minnie Rice, Mrs. H.J. Balcom, Mrs. Norman Longley, Mrs. W.H. Robinson and Rev. W. Steadman Smith. All speak enthusiastically of the inspiration and power of these meetings and prophesy very definite and far-reaching benefits to the work in India among the Telugus as a result of the this Jubilee effort and the messages of the Jubilee speakers.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Saunders of Wolfville, recently made a several days visit in Paradise. Following the closing of college they will return to Paradise for the summer.

Mr. Anthony Banks and Mr. Irving Bishop have completed their course at the Truro Agricultural College, and are now home of the summer.

After visiting for several weeks at the homes of her three sons here Mrs. Zaachaevs Phinney left Paradise Monday, April 28th, to visit another son and his family, Rev. H.H. Phinney, Kingston Village.

Mr. and Mrs. Burpee Phinney and family are leaving this week for Boston, Mass., where Mr. Phinney has accepted a position. Mr. Phinney has farmed in Paradise for the last five or six years. They will be missed by the family and friends. The good wishes of the community follow them in their work elsewhere.

Miss Leone Banks, teacher of the Bear River East school recently visited her home here for the week-end.

Mr. Byron Chesley, who has been spending the winter in Wolfville, was here for a few days last week. He will return again next week to open up the home. Mr. Chesley reports little or no improvement in the state of Mrs. Chesley’s health.

The annual church meeting and Roll Call of the Clarence and Paradise Baptist church will take place in Paradise, Monday, April 5th. A large representation from both parts of the field is anticipated. The usual business will be held in the afternoon including reports from the various societies. Supper in the vestry will be served by the Paradise ladies. An inspirational program for the evening meeting is being provided. Don’t miss this particularly good and probably best get-together church day of the entire year.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.5. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia