Paradise Society News for March 1924

March 5, 1924

Brotherhood at Paradise

Organized by Pastor W.S. Smith – Evangelistic Services – Social and Personal Notes

The Men’s Brotherhood of the Paradise Church was organized by the Pastor, March 2nd. The officers elected were Mr. Reginald Longley, President; Mr. John Elliott, Vice-President; Mr. H.W. Longley, Secty.; Mr. K.N. Brooks, Treasurer. The next meeting will be at 10 a.m. Sunday, March 9th. A special invitation is extended to all the men of the community.

Evangelistic services are now being held at Clarence. The Sunday evening service was largely attended. Pastor Smith preached his special sermon on the “Golden Calf”. The Sunday evening service at West Paradise was in charge of Mr. Herman A. Spinney, who has been assisting Mr. Smith in this field for the past two months. Mr. Spinney preached from Matt. 25:40, subject “Entertaining the Christ Unawares”. Special lively congregational singing was also an attractive feature of this service.

Mrs. W.S. Mercer and little daughter are expected to arrive in Paradise toward the close of this month. Mrs. Mercer, whose husband, Rev. W.S. Mercer, lost his life in a recent Newfoundland blizzard, will visit here for a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Longley.

Dr. Vernon C. Morse, accompanied by his brother, Mr. E.G. Morse, also by Mrs. Marshall, nurse of Lawrencetown, and by Dr. Crowe, of Bridgetown, left here Feb. 29th on the midnight for Halifax where Dr. Morse will receive medical attention.

Miss Evelyn Longley, of Acadia, is spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Longley.

Mrs. Elden Marshall and little daughter, also Miss Sarah Elliott, of Clarence, are spending a few days here with their sister, Mrs. Vernon C. Morse.

The High School young people spent a social evening Feb. 29th with Miss Florence Jackson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson.

A larger number than usual are housed at present with colds.

Rev. J. Hadden Balcom attended the funeral of Mrs. Hannah Brinton of Hampton, on March 1st. Mr. Balcom preached the funeral sermon.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LI, No.49. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

March 12, 1924

Dr. Vernon Morse, after being removed from Halifax to the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Brookline, Mass., underwent a very serious operation. While Dr. Morse’s condition is still very critical, hopeful telegrams are still being received by the family regarding his recovery.

Dr. and Mrs. William Daley, of Halifax, are visiting at the home of Mr. Daley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Longley. In spite of his recent accident Dr. Daley is in the best of spirits and is thoroughly enjoying his enforced vacation.

The Women’s Missionary Society met Tuesday, March 4th, with Mrs. R.S. Leonard. An excellent programme was furnished by the committee. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Banks, subject “Telugu Jubilee”. Miss Lillian Leonard gave a much enjoyed reading entitled – “The Ladies’ Aid”. Music was furnished by Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Elliott, and Mrs. Norman Longley.

A quilting party will be held Saturday afternoon, March 5th, at the home of Mrs. Milledge Daniels. Please arrive early – plenty of work.

Don’t forget the Church Aid supper and St. Patrick entertainment for Monday evening, March 17th. A good time is being planned for all.

Preparations are being made for wiring the Parsonage for electric lights. Already the lights are being enjoyed by a number of families.

Mrs. Hill, of Springfield, is visiting here for a few days. Mrs. Hill will leave for Boston Tuesday, March 11th.

Mr. Frank Balcom is home after spending several weeks in Lockeport.

Mrs. Fred Bishop, who has been spending the Winter in California, is expected home during the week.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LI, No.50. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

March 19, 1924

Newsy Notes from Paradise

Women’s Institute Hold Mock Trial. – Much Enjoyed. – Personal and Social Items.

Mr. Rupert Chesley after several years of failing health, died on the evening of March 13th. Funeral service took place from his late residence.

Among those not resident here who attended the funeral of Mr. Rupert Chesley were his brother, Mr. Avard Chesley and Mrs. Chesley, of Brooklyn, also Mr. Byron Chesley, who has been spending the Winter in Wolfville.

Mr. Hermon Spinney left Paradise March 15th for Freeport where he will preach at the Sunday services.

We are glad to welcome home again Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Bishop. Mrs. Bishop has been spending the Winter in California visiting her son and friends, while Mr. Bishop has been busily engaged in his work at Halifax. A genuine welcome awaits Paradise families spending the Winter elsewhere.

A goodly number of ladies attended the quilting Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Milledge Daniels. At the close of the afternoon the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Frank Balcom, gave the workers a surprise in the form of a most appetizing baked bean supper.

Mrs. J.C. Phinney left Paradise Monday, March 17th, to be with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Porter, of Yarmouth, who is now very ill in Yarmouth Hospital with plural pneumonia.

Mr. Frank Donkin, of Halifax, was a recent guest of Mr. C.W. Durling.

The Church Aid supper advertised for the evening of March 17th, was postponed until the evening of March 24th. Please consult posters in local stores for further information.

The entertainment of the Women’s Institute meeting held March 11th at the home of Mrs. Aubrey Freeman, took the form of a mock trial. Those taking part were Mrs. H.A. Longley, Mrs. C.E. Bent, Mrs. Ritchie Elliott, Mrs. R.S. Leonard, Mrs. F.H. Balcom, Miss Bessie Durling, Mrs. H.D. Starratt, Mrs. A.B. Boehner, Mrs. J.W. Sproule, Mrs. M. Rice, Mrs. H.P. Layte. The remaining members and girls of the “B” high school class acted as jury with Mrs. J.C. Phinney as foreman. The occasion provided much amusement along with considerable instruction. The hostess Mrs. Freeman, assisted by Mrs. Bent and Mrs. Gillis, served the usual dainty lunch.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LI, No.51. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

March 26, 1924

Women’s Bible Class Organized

All Women of Congregation Cordially Invited – Farewell Party to Miss Marion Balcom – Personal Notes

A surprise and farewell party was given to Miss Marion Balcom at her home Friday evening, March 21st. A very large number of friends were present and a delightful social evening was spent. Miss Balcom left for Boston on Tuesday where she will visit relatives previous to taking a hospital training as a nurse.

Miss Leon Gaul recently made a trip to the N.S. Sanatorium for the purpose of consulting a lung specialist and having an X-ray examination.

Miss Evelyn Longley, of Acadia, is making a short visit at her home here.

Mrs. C.J. Durling, of Woodstock, N.B., was a weekend guest at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. R.S. Leonard.

Mr. S.S. Ruggles, of Halifax, assisted by Mr. Roy Whitman, are now wiring the Parsonage for electric lights.

The Willing Workers class gave a surprise party on the evening of Mar. 22nd to Miss Eva MacGregor at the home of one of the members of the class, Miss Margaret Freeman. The class presented to Miss MacGregor a lovely box of stationary in appreciation of her helpful interest in the work during the Winter. Miss MacGregor has been spending the Winter at the Parsonage. She returned to her home in Cambridge, Mass., Tuesday, March 25th.

Mrs. Ralph Beard, of Halifax, is visiting her with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Bishop.

Much needed new hymn books are being procured for the Sabbath school and Prayer Service.

The Women’s Bible Class, of the Paradise S.S. became an organized class on Sunday morning, March 23rd. The following officers were appointed – President, Mrs. W.S. Smith; Vice-President, Mrs. J.H. Balcom; Secty.-Treas., Mrs. Ralph Williams; Teacher, Mrs. W.H. Robinson. A cordial invitation is extended to all the women of the congregation to join in the study and privileges of this class. An effort will be made to make the women’s class as large and in every way as attractive as is now the Men’s Organized Class.

A Sauer Kraut tea and concert was given at the Vestry of the Paradise Baptist Church on Monday evening at which a large number attended. Both the tea and concert were excellent.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LI, No.52. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia