Paradise Society News for August 1924

August 6, 1924

Mr. V.C. Chesley of Boston, Mass., is visiting at the home of Mrs. Rupert Chesley.

Miss Eleanor Longley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Longley, is spending a two weeks vacation at her home here.

Mrs. A. Foster of Round Hill and Mrs. A. McColgan of Ottawa, were guests during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Freeman.

Miss Idalene Bowlby after a several weeks vacation spent at her home here, returned to Lawrence, Mass., where she holds the position of supt. of the operating dept. of the Lawrence General Hospital.

Mrs. Charles Spurr and family visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Freeman.

Mrs. Rupert Chesley has been on the sick list for a short time, but is now much improved.

A very fine recital is being anticipated for Monday, Aug. 11th in the Baptist church, when Miss Frances Corming of Yarmouth, assisted by local talent will give entertainment seekers an evening of profit and pleasure. Miss Corming is a graduate of the Ladies Seminary at Wolfville, and has specialized since childhood in elocution and music. Her programme as advertised on page five of the Monitor will afford a variety of interesting character study.

Mrs. J.S. Longley and Mrs. W.S. Smith to represent the Women’s Missionary Society, and Miss Evelyn Longley to represent the Mission Band have been appointed to the coming convention of the U.B.W.M.U. to be held soon in St. John.

Rev. W.S. Smith, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Eva MacGregor and Gordon Smith accompanied by Mr. Elburn Nichols and mother, Mrs. Nichols motored to Bear River recently visiting relatives and friends.

Miss Leola Banks, Miss Alice Longley, Mr. Ralph Balcom, and Mr. Robert Longley, were delegates recently to the Young Peoples Conference held at Wolfville.

Miss Rosamond Longley is visiting for the week with relatives in Windsor and Wolfville.

Mr. A.P. Boehner is making extensive additions and improvements to his residence which include a large ell, hip roof in front and a general remodelling. The improvements will add greatly to the appearance of the house.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.19. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

August 13, 1924

No society column for Paradise in this issue.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.20. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

August 20, 1924

Entertainment at Paradise – Much Enjoyed Programme Under Direction of Miss Frances Corning – Tennis Picnics Social and Personal Items

Among the many characteristic evenings given at Paradise was that of Monday, Aug. 11th, when a large audience enjoyed a delightful entertainment given by Miss Frances Corning, of Yarmouth, a graduate of Expression of Acadia Ladies Seminary. Miss Corning was assisted by local musical talent. The programme of the evening was as follows: –
1. Poem, “Canadian Born” E. Pauline Johnson

2. Cutting from the Play “Everywoman”… Browne
Scene “Everywoman’s Home”
Everywoman …….. Mr. Nobody
Youth ……………. Truth
Beauty …………… Flattery
Modesty …………. King Love

3. Music Paradise Ladies Quartette

4. Stories: The Devoted Friend
The Selfish Giant …. Oscar Wilde

5. Solo by Miss Evelyn Longley

6. Play; – “The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife” …. Anatole France
Scene: – The Library of Judge Botals House, Paris
Characters, Master Adam Fumee
Judge Botal …….. Dr. Collins
Kathryn his wife… Giles, Sec’y

7. Duet by Miss Eleanor Longley and Mr. H.W. Longley

8. Magazine Article …. J.H. Phillips
“The Confession of a Bald Headed Man.”

9. Poems: “To Know All is to Forgive All” …..Waterman
“The Wild White Rose” ….. Kitcher
“The Land of Beginning Again” ….. Wells

10. Solo by Mrs. Ralph Beard

11. Story, “The Baby Who Fell From The Moon”… Carol Dogherty
“God Save the King.”

The compliments of the audience were presented to Miss Corning by little four year old Rowan Whitman who handed her a corsage bouquet of blush roses during a hearty applause following her presentation of “Every-woman” and again at the close of the program when he carried to her an immense bouquet of cut flowers. Miss Corning showed marked ability for character impersonation and for story telling while a sense of humor and love for poetry make it possible for her to present a programme of pleasing variety.

Mr. and Mrs. John Shaffner, of Williamston, were recently guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Longley.

Miss Gertrude Gaul and Miss Ada Starratt visited recently in Aylesford.

Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Savage of Allston, Mass., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Brooks. Mr. Savage like other prominent businessmen touring N.S. for the first time is attracted both to the beauty of our Province and to local interests in general.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Longley and family visited lately at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Longley.

Miss Alice Longley spent a week end in Lawrencetown with Miss Clara Longley.

Mr. Ralph Balcom in company with Mr. Kenneth Wallace, of Wilmot, left her Friday Aug. 15th, on the Harvester’s Excursion for Saskatchewan.

The Tennis Club, of Paradise went to Margaretville for a picnic on Friday, Aug. 15th.

Rev. W.S. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and son Gordon are spending a couple of weeks in Port Lorne where they are occupying the “Neaves” cottage.

Mrs. Vernon C. Morse and family are spending a vacation at Margaretville.

Mr. A.W. Harris, of Dorchester, Mass., is the guest of his sister, John Jackson.

Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Bent and family of Waterville also Mrs. Charles Morton, of Bridgetown, were guests recently of Mrs. Rupert Chesley and Mrs. Minnie Rice.

Mr. and Mrs. Milledge Daniels are spending a few weeks in Lockport with their daughter Mrs. Frank Balcom.

Miss Ethel Barker, of Springfield, Mass., is visiting at the home of her cousin Mr. A.W. Phinney.

Miss Nita Conrad is spending a few days with her friend Miss Irma Williams.

Mrs. Maraty, of New York, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Phinney.

Miss Leone Banks is spending a few days in Clarence the guest of Miss E.B. Marshall.

Mrs. Cosman and children, of Riverdale are visiting at the home of her father, Mr. E.L . Balcom.

Miss Wambolt, of the U.S. is visiting at her sisters, Mrs. A.W. Gillis.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.21. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

August 27, 1924

No society column for Paradise in this issue.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.22. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia