Paradise Society News for December 1924

December 3, 1924

No society column for Paradise in this issue.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.36. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

December 10, 1924

No society column for Paradise in this issue.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.37. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

December 17, 1924

A most satisfactory Christmas sale and supper was held in the Church Vestry Tuesday evening, Dec. 9th. The Christmas sale is fast becoming a very practical institution in country community life. It gives the busy housewife and others who find it impossible to make fancy work to still secure at a reasonable price the dainty hand-work which is so much prized as friendly gift. The Paradise sale and supper netted over $90.00 this year.

Miss Leola Banks is spending a vacation at her home, her school in Hill Grove being closed temporarily because of an epidemic of the mumps.

Many friends from here attended last week the funeral services of the late Deacon Henry Messenger of Clarence and Mr. Andrew Shaw of West Paradise. Both these men were well known throughout the county. Both funerals were very largely attended.

Mrs. George Starratt has been in Liverpool and vicinity, where she attended the funeral services of her mother, who suddenly passed away a short time ago.

There will be no meeting of the Paradise Literary Society until the busy rush of Christmas is over.

Those working on the Acadia quilt will kindly hand in their work as soon as possible.

Mr. J.S. Ritcey of Paradise, this week killed a pig a little over a year old which tipped the scales at 538 lbs.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.38. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

December 24, 1924

No society column for Paradise in this issue.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.39. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

December 31, 1924

Social Notes from Paradise – Large Number of Teachers and Students Home for Holidays – Meetings of Various Societies – Personal Items

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Phinney spent the Christmas holiday in Halifax, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Ruggles.

Rev. J. Hadden Balcom arrived home December 24th after spending some months in Mass., with his sons, the Balcom Bros. of Malden.

Mrs. Ethel Shaw of Middleton spent a short vacation at her former home here, while on her way to Florida where she will spend the winter visiting relatives.

Miss Alma Shaw will reside in Clementsvale for the winter months, making her home with an aunt, Mrs. A. Potter.

The Misses Mabel and Muriel Elliott are enjoying the holiday vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott.

The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris has been ill with pneumonia but is at present on the road to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Covert, Mrs. Harriet Covert, Miss Ella Wilson and Mr. Jerault Covert, spent Christmas with Mrs. Wallace Saunders and family.

A large family connection spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams.

Among the teachers home for the holidays are Miss Leone Banks of Canso; Mr. Murray Elliott of Young’s Cove; Miss Muriel Elliott of Liverpool and Miss Lola Banks of Hill Grove.

Students now enjoying the Christmas vacation are Mr. Max Munroe, Edgar Bent and Richmond Longley of Acadia, Gordon Starratt of the Nova Scotia Technical College.

Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Schleicher and daughter of Cochituate, Mass., are enjoying their yearly Christmas visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jodrie.

Capt. And Mrs. S.O. Monies and son of Yarmouth, are visiting friends in Paradise.

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Daley of Halifax spent Christmas with Mrs. Daley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Longley.

Several new radios have been installed here lately.

The Sunday School Christmas tree and entertainment afforded an evening of much pleasure on Tuesday, Dec. 23rd. A fine program of exercises, recitations, a drill and playlet was given and most appreciated. Among the entertainers was Santa Clause himself. A number of lovely surprise packages were received at this time, among which we mention merely that of a fine gold mounted fountain pen given to the pastor’s wife, Mrs. W.S. Smith by the ladies of the Missionary Society.

The Paradise Literary Society will meet on January 5th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Bishop. A special New Year’s program is being prepared by the entertainment committee.

The B.Y.P.U. Social and semi-annual business meeting was held in the church vestry Friday evening, Dec. 26th.

The Athletic and Dramatic club will hold a meeting in the near future at which time members of the club will debate the following subject, “Resolved that the city’s debt to the country is greater than that of the country to the city.”

There will be a work meeting of the Church Aid Society at the parsonage Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 31st.

Rev. W.H. Robinson and Mrs. Robinson have returned from Digby, where they spent the Christmas season the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Short.

The Misses Beatrice and Muriel Elliott are spending the holiday season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott.

A New Years Acadia evening and Quilt exhibition will be held in the church vestry, Thursday, Jan. 1st. A good program will be given including college songs, class yells, reminiscences, readings and a specially prepared paper by Miss Louise E. Morse of West Paradise, entitled “My Impressions of Acadia.” If stormy the above will be held the following Friday evening.

Miss Rowena Morse of Halifax, is spending a Christmas vacation with her mother, Mrs. S.K. Morse.

Mrs. C.H. Norton was the guest for Christmas of Mrs. Rupert Chesley and Miss Minnie Rice.

Week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Rupert Chesley were the Misses Best of Waterville.

Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.40. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia