Paradise Society News for November 1924
November 5, 1924
With Societies at Paradise – Address to Women’s Institute by Miss McDougall – Review of Local Institute Work – West Paradise Wins S.S. Banner – Other Notes
The Women’s Institute met Oct. 30th, at the home of Mrs. F.W. Bishop. Being a special meeting the regular business of the usual meeting was postponed until a later date. Miss Helen McDougall, Supt. of the Women’s Institutes for N.S. was present and addressed the meeting on the scope of the work as covered by the four departments of its interest, namely the departments of Home Economic, Public Health, Home and School and Legislature.
Miss McDougall also described the Institute Booth Exhibit shown at the recent Fall exhibition at Toronto, and closed her address with the very excellent motto adopted by the department on Home and Country – “To maintain the highest ideals of home life; to count children the most important of possessions; to mother them that their bodies may be sound; their minds clear, their spirits happy and their characters generous; to place service about comfort; to let loyalty to high purposes silence discordant notes; to let neighborliness supplant hatred; to be discouraged never; to lose self in generous enthusiasm; to extend to the less fortunate a helping hand; to believe one’s community may become the best of communities; and to co-operate with others for the common ends of more abundant home and community life”.
The Women’s Institute of Paradise has made commendable contributions to its community life, outstanding among these being the work done through the committee on Cemetery Improvement. Monuments have been straightened, lots and walks improved and the entire Cemetery now gives an attractive appearance in that it shows it is being cared for. Co-operating with the trustees during the past two years, the Institute has contributed generously to its efforts on behalf of the school property. The janitor also was furnished with “Dust Bane” to help solve the school room dust problem.
A very delightful evening was spent at Hillcrest, Thursday, Oct. 30th, when members of the B.Y.P.U. and friends met for a social at the home of the president, Mr. Robert Longley. About forty were present. The time was spent in the playing of Hallowe’en games furnished by the president’s sister, Mrs. W.S. Mercer. A generous lunch was provided by the entertaining family. Another B.Y.P.U. social is being planned for an early date.
The Sunday School banner which did not arrive in time for the recent S.S. Convention of Annapolis County, but which came two days late, is now a very attractive and prized possession for a year of the West Paradise S.S. This school won the banner by a very small margin over the Sunday School of Lawrencetown Baptist church. Other places sending creditable delegations were Port Wade, Torbrook and Clarence. It is hoped that the banner competition will stimulate even larger attendance and especially among all denominations. A further account of the Convention with the Resolutions of the Convention will be published in next week’s Monitor.
Mrs. Walter Troop and Mrs. Jacob Calnek of Lower Granville were guests on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Longley.
Miss Minnie Sproule of St. John spent the week-end recently at her home here.
Latest report gives hope for the recovery of Mr. Harding Layte who has been so very ill at the Middleton Hospital.
A number of our boys and young men attended the recent Boys Work Conference and Banquet held in Bridgetown.
A “sane and safe” Hallowe’en was observed in this community.
Serious Fire Narrowly Averted
Paradise – Mr. Donald Jodrie of Paradise came within an ace of losing both barn and house by fire one evening recently and probably would have but for the arrival of Robert Longley, who returning home, noticed what appeared to be a light in the barn. Mr. and Mrs. Jodrie had both retired and were asleep. The incipent blaze was put out but in a few more moments would undoubtedly have spread and destroyed house as well as barn for both we understand are connected.
Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.32. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia
November 12, 1924
Acadia Evening at Paradise – Play Put on, “Lure of Acadia,” Written by Mrs. Ritchie Elliott – Social and Personal Items
An Acadia evening was given in the Church Vestry, Nov. 4th, when a short play entitled, “The Lure of Acadia,” was put on by the writer, Mrs. Ritchie Elliott. The following is a copy of interpretation, – “The Lure of Acadia” presents as its heroine, Christine Lee, only daughter of a widow. She is a girl of quick intelligence, with a remarkable talent and passionate love for music. Her mother has repeatedly endeavored to persuade her daughter to enter Acadia Seminary, but without success. Being a wise mother she does not command Christine in the matter, but trusts for a turn of events which will cause her to enter willingly the institution. Christine possesses a noble hear but she has, since graduation from High School, one pet ambition, ” a good time.” She indulges in all modern slang, and gets fun out of all occasion. Her mother entertains a missionary, whose description of a musical recital given by a former graduate of Acadia, decided Christine to yield to her mother’s wish and enter the Seminary. She enters, graduated and plans a big musical career, but is turned aside from this by finding of a tract, presenting the need for medical missionaries in India. She consecrates her life to this need and the play closes with a service of farewell given in her honor in the old home church which service is presided over by her pastor, the Rev. Dr. Wood.”
The cast was: –
Mrs. Lee ….. Mrs. W.H. Robinson
Christine Lee ….. Miss Marjorie Morse
Edward Lee ….. Mr. Karl Starratt
Miss Longe, missionary ….. Mrs. Mary Mercer
Lonore Hudson ….. Miss Helen Starratt
Professor Von Bront …. Mr. E.G. Morse
Rev. Dr. Good ….. Mr. H.W. Longley
Others assisting Mrs. Elliott were Mr. H.A. Longley who read the poem entitled, “How Acadia College was Built Without Money,” by D.O. Parker, and found in a scrap booked owned by Mrs. N.G. Banks. A reading entitled, “Bethoven’s Moonlight Sonata,” was given by Miss Eleanor Longley. Excellent music was sung by Mrs. Ralph Beard, Mr. H.W. Longley and Mr. E.G. Morse. The pastor, W.S. Smith, gave a ten minute address on “the Influence of Acadia upon the student and community life of Paradise and West Paradise.” Mr. Smith referred also the contributions that this community has made to Acadia college, especially noting the services of Hon. Avard Longley (father of Mr. H.A. Longley and Mr. H.W. Longley) who for nineteen years was a member of the Board of Governors of Acadia in days of special effort and struggle.
The financial returns of the evening amounted to nearly $30.00.
The remains of the late Mrs. Ritzen Marshall, formerly of this place but for some years a resident of Keen, N.H., was brought here Nov. 7th for interment in the Paradise Cemetery. Funeral services were held in the church, which was appropriately decorated by the Women’s Missionary Society of which Mrs. Marshall was a life member. During their days of active christian influence in this place, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall made a lasting impression for good upon the life of the church and community. The clock and responsive reading books are among their gifts to the church.
Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the friends who mourn the loss of this much beloved mother.
The Women’s Missionary Society was held Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 4th at the home of Mrs. J.W. Sproule. The committee provided an excellent program on the subject of “Faith and Thanksgiving”. Mrs. Minnie Rice was voted a life-member. A special luncheon was served by the hostess. The meeting was well attended.
Mrs. John. W. Sproule entertained at her home on Friday evening her Sunday School class of junior girls, known in the S.S. as the “Joybearers Class”.
Miss Ella Wilson spent the week-end in Middleton, with Mrs. Ethel Shaw. Miss Wilson also entertained Miss Mary Phalen of Bridgetown recently for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant of Clarence have moved to Paradise and are now occupying the J.C. Phinney cottage.
Mrs. Ralph Williams, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Chester Barteaux, of Clarence, motored to Liverpool with their brother-in-lawn, Mr. Vernon Messenger and spent almost a week in the enjoyment of a delightful Fall trip.
Mrs. W.H. Longley was hostess to her S.S. class of “Willing Workers” on the evening of Nov. 7th.
A canvass of the ladies of Paradise for subscriptions and pledges on behalf of the “Acadia Drive” is now on.
The annual Christmas sale and supper held under the auspices of the Church Aid Society, is being planned for an early date in December. Only one month now – may we not therefore plan our contributions at once.
Our Primary Department teacher, Mrs. F. MacDougal spent Thanksgiving vacation at her home in Wolfville.
The teachers who spent their holiday at their homes here were Miss Jessie Bowbly, Halifax Miss Muriel Elliott, Liverpool, Mr. Murray Elliott, Phinney’s Cove and Miss Leola Banks, Hill Grove.
Mrs. Fred Doig and Miss Mary Doig of St. John, are spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. I.M. Longley.
Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Short of Digby are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. W.H. Robinson.
Mr. St. Clair Wright of Sydney, C.B., visited his friend Mr. Chesley Rice during the Thanksgiving vacation.
Mr. Richmond Longley, student at Wolfville, is at home for the holiday.
The Women’s Institute will hold its annual business meeting Thursday, Nov. 14th at the home of Mrs. H.D. Starratt. Every member is urged to be present.
Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.33. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia
November 19, 1924
Burglar at Paradise – Enters Aubrey Freeman’s House at 4.30 Steals Purse and $5 Cash – Literary Society has Preliminary Meeting – Other Notes
Deacon and Mrs. Norman Longley entertained the deacons and their wives at a Thanksgiving supper on Thursday evening, Nov. 11th. The guests of the occasion were Deacon and Mrs. Henry Messenger, Deacon and Mrs. Vernon Leonard, Deacon and Mrs. Joseph Elliott, also Mrs. E.J. Elliott of Clarence and from Paradise, Deacon and Mrs. J.S. Longley, Rev. and Mrs. W.H. Robinson, Rev. and Mrs. W.S. Smith. A pleasant evening followed the much enjoyed supper hour.
The Women’s Institute held is annual business meeting with election of officers for the coming year on the afternoon of Nov. 13th. The following ladies were re-elected to office: Pres. Mrs. Robie Leonard, Vice-Pres., Mrs. Fred Bishop, Secy, Mrs. J.W. Sproule and Treas., Mrs. H.A. Longley. A well planned programme was given with Thanksgiving for the main subject, after which the hostess, Mrs. H.D. Starratt, served lunch.
The Literary Society of Paradise has held two preliminary meetings in preparation for another enjoyable winter’s work of study and profitable entertainment. The officers for the year are Pres., Mr. H.A. Longley, Vice-Pres., Mr. J.C. Phinney, Secy. – Treas., Miss Annie Morse. The magazine committee is at work and hopes to have the new magazine in circulation at an early date.
This community had a new experience during the week when early Friday morning at four-thirty a.m. the house of Mr. Aubrey Freeman was entered by a nameless burglar who after his presence became known made a quick get-away with purse and five dollars in money.
Since the S.S. Convention and the receiving of special inspiration therefrom, the various teachers have been providing Friday evening entertainments for their classes. Mr. Fred Balcom’s class of teen age boys and Mrs. W.S. Mercer’s class of teen age girls met last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Longley. Generous hospitality with fire-side and family cheer makes “Hillside Farm” a place of many delightful parties for both young and old.
Following successful treatment at the Memorial Hospital, Middleton, Mr. Harding Layte is now at his home under the care of a trained nurse. Mr. Layte stood the trip well and is reported to be improving daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balcom returned to Paradise, Nov. 8th., after spending the summer in Lockport, where Mr. Balcom was in business.
Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Longley went to Kingston, Saturday afternoon, where they visited Mr. Longley’s sister.
Mr. and Mrs. P.L. Dennett of Dublin, N.H., who accompanied here the remains of their later mother, Mrs. Ritson Marshall, visited former friends while spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Covert.
Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Martin, who have been enjoying a rest vacation here for some weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Freeman returned during the week to their home in Rutherford, N.J.
Miss Mary Doig of St. John, was the guest for several days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Balcom.
Three new members were initiated in the Orange Lodge on the evening of Monday, Nov. 10th.
The Boy Scouts were entertained recently in Clarence at the home of two of their members, Phillip and Russel White. Entertainment and supper was provided by the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. James White. Those attending were Malcom Corbet, Russel Balcom, Malcom and Gordon Leonard, Hardy Freeman and their Scout Master, Mr. Fred Balcom.
Mrs. Bessie Wood of Somerset, N.S., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Alvin Starratt.
Mr. Murray Elliott, teacher at Young’s Cove, has been enjoying a weeks vacation at his home, due to the fact of sickness in the school section which made the closing of school for a short time seem advisable.
The Church thank offering which was taken Nov. 19th, amounted to nearly $100.
Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.34. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia
November 26, 1924
No society column for Paradise in this issue.
Source: The Weekly Monitor: Vol. LII, No.35. Published in Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia